Sunday, 1 December 2024

Advent is here: Happy New Year

Advent is here: Happy New Year

Today we have begun the new liturgical year, the beginning of the cycle of celebrations that allow us to relive the mystery of Jesus Christ in our worship throughout the year. 

Advent Tree:
Advent is a time of preparation for the coming of the Lord. In company with the prophets we await the coming of the Messiah. We will read in a particular way the Prophet Isaiah, sometimes called the 5th gospel, because of the unique way he prophesies the coming of Jesus. 

As Christians we await the coming of Jesus into our world in three ways: 

1. His coming in the flesh, as a baby boy, in the stable at Bethlehem 

2. His coming in grace into our hearts by the word of God, by prayer and through the sacraments. We live now in the time of His coming in grace. 

3. His coming in glory at the end of time to judge the living and the dead. 

How will we spiritually prepare for the coming of Jesus, at Christmas and into our lives by His grace? There are lots of material preparations under way—but let’s not forget the heart of the season!

Today in Children's Liturgy our children thought about the theme of Hope and created Baubles with their hopes which are hanging on our Advent Tree. Next week we will be focusing on Peace.