Sunday, 7 October 2012

Celebrating 153 years

Lancaster Cathedral 153rd Anniversary
Today we celebrate the 153rd anniversary of the dedication of St Peter's Church, Lancaster.  The sun has been shining and showing the cathedral building at its best, standing as a beacon of faith. 

On Thursday the Year of Faith begins, this marks a time for each one of us and the Church community to think about what we believe and how our faith influences how we live our life.  For more information and details of the Day of Prayer Thursday 11th October see the Year of Faith blog - click here.

Little Way Week - witness through service.
In children's liturgy we talked about how Jesus welcomes all of us, even the little children.  We continued to share ideas about how we can follow the example of St Therese of Lisieux who is known for her 'little way'.  This week as between 6th and 12th October is Little Way week.  We are all called to give witness to our faith in little ways.  The children came up with some great ideas. 
Ideas for Little Way Week from Children's Liturgy
We will be including ideas and prayers to use during the Little Way Week.  If you have any examples or photos of doing service then please use the contact form to let us know.