Friday 30 November 2012

Friday Photos of Faith: St Andrew

To celebrate the feast of St Andrew, today our photos have a connection with Andrew.  Links are made with St Peter his brother, Advent the season we are preparing for.  
Happy feast day to all Andrews and those from Scotland.
Statue of St Andrew in St Peter's Basillica
St Andrew, sometimes known as the first called, introduced his brother Simon Peter to Jesus.  Like Peter, he was a fisherman and responded to Jesus' call to 'Follow me' and became a 'fisher of men'.  He is also the patron saint of Scotland.  You can see his cross was diagonal, and this gives the shape of the Scottish flag.  For further information about St Andrew click here.    

Taking time out to spend with God
As we approach Advent we might learn much from the life of a hermit.  In the Code of Canon Law 603 $2, hermits are recognised:
 "as one dedicated to God in consecrated life ..." 
Whilst most of us are not called to be hermits there is lots to be gained from taking time out to listen to God.  Front cover from parishioner, Andrew Jotischky's book, click here for more information about Andrew's work.