Thursday 29 November 2012

Getting ready to get ready

What might appear in the days to come?
On Sunday we begin the new church year.  Year C (more about this in Advent) will begin with the season of Advent, which is a time of preparation and waiting for the coming of the Lord.  Children and many adults will count down the days towards Christmas using an Advent calendar. The children at children's liturgy will receive one which will include ideas for how to prepare, not only for Christmas, but for that time when the Lord will come again.  
Carole Hoare, children's liturgist has been busy preparing our Advent Wreath
Another custom is to have an Advent wreath with candles for each of the four Sundays.  We would like to be able to include photographs of families opening their Advent calendar or hear about how they use their Advent wreath.  Please get in touch if you would be willing to share with us your time of preparation, contact page.