Thursday 20 December 2012

20th December: O key of David

Today we remember the Key of David. What does this passage from Isaiah 22:22 remind you of?

Isaiah 22:22 I shall place the key of David's palace on his shoulder; when he opens, no one will close, when he closes, no one will open.
In the Cathedral there are many visual images of keys, rather than the Key of David, they represent the keys to the Kongdom that Jesus gave to St Peter. Earlier this year in the blog families have been taking the St Peter's keys to other places of worship, Why not search for posts for St Peter's Keys. For ideas of praying the O key of David with children click here for last year's post.
O Key of David

Alleliua, Alleliua
Key of David, who open the gates of the eternal kingdom 
come to literate from prison
the captive who lives in darkness