Saturday, 14 September 2013

Celebrating The Feast of St Hildegard 2013

St Hildegard, a 12th century abbess, philosopher, mystic writer and composer was named a Doctor of the Church in October 2012 on the eve of the Year of Faith.  She was described by Blessed John Paul II in 1979 as: 
a “light for her people and her time"
To read more about her life and the proclamation of her being declared a Doctor of the Church. To mark her feast this year events are taking place at the Cathedral and other places within Lancaster.  
Monday 16th September at 7.00pm St Walburge's Chapel, Lancaster Cathedral 
Introducing Hildegard - an illustrated talk
Tuesday 17 September 9.30am - 10am at Lancaster Priory
Morning Prayer with the Benedicite, O, all you works of the Lord, bless you the Lord, and special reference to Hildegard
Tuesday 17 September 3pm - 5pm at The Friends' Meeting House
St Hildegard of Bingen 
Contemplating Creation.  Call in to sit for ten minutes or more.  A period of time when you can call-in to a space set aside where you could: sit and consider our responsibility for the Planet, sit and read about the environment; sit and pray; sit and meditate, sit and think; or just sit.
Tuesday 17 September 7pm - 8pm at Lancaster Cathedral  
A liturgy of music, readings and silence with representatives from the different Christian denominations in Lancaster - all welcome.