This month the St Vincent de Paul Society are sharing news of how they are GIVING TIME to LOVE and SERVE others in our community. The images below are from an information leaflet. If you want to learn more or would like to get involved then why not join them at their next meeting on Monday 7th October at Cathedral House. See SVP page for further details of our parish group.
On 9th September it was feast day of the SVP's founder Blessed Frederick Ozanam, who was born 200 years ago on 23rd April 2013 to read more see the recent press release.
On 9th September it was feast day of the SVP's founder Blessed Frederick Ozanam, who was born 200 years ago on 23rd April 2013 to read more see the recent press release.
Charity must never look to the past but always to the future
Blessed Frederick Ozanam (SVP Founder)
May we carry the gifts to the poor and to the rich the words of gratitude
Blessed Frederick Ozanam (SVP Founder)
Yours must be a work of love, you must give your time, your talents yourselves
Blessed Frederick Ozanam (SVP Founder)
Social well-being can be learned not from books, but in climbing the
stairs to a poor person's garret
stairs to a poor person's garret
Blessed Frederick Ozanam (SVP Founder)
To learn more about SVP society see their website.