Monday, 28 October 2013

Shoe Box Appeal

Last Sunday Jim Mann explained about  the Operation Christmas Child project (also known as "The Shoebox Appeal")
Operation Christmas Child Project -

Shoe boxes are filled with gifts and sent to countries all over the world where they are delivered to children in time for Christmas. The children who receive the boxes would otherwise receive little, if anything, for Christmas. These shoe boxes are a real sign of God's love and they bring great joy. Receiving one has been known to completely turn a child's life around, through the feeling of being loved and cared for.

The children and staff of Cathedral Primary school are supporting this cause again this year. If parishioners would like to contribute a shoebox, please fill your box over the next two weeks. Full details of what gifts to put in the boxes can be found on the leaflets at the back of church, on the website, or telephone Jim Mann on 07733 130409 for information.

Remember to stick the BOY/GIRL label from the leaflet on the front of your box, and include the £3 donation to cover transport and delivery costs (this donation can also be done online). 

Boxes can be left at Cathedral House or Cathedral School and need to be dropped off by Monday 11th November in time for collection around 15th November

Donating single items
If you would like to donate single items such as toothpaste, soap, toothbrush, flannel, small toy, football cards, hair accessories, pens, coloured pencils, etc, (which we will then use to make up complete boxes), please leave them in the large box at the back of church.