Friday, 1 November 2013

Friday Photos of Faith - People of Faith

Today we celebrate the Feast of All Saints - those Saints we are named after, take as our Confirmation name from, those who are patrons of our Church, or our hobbies and interests.  Today we celebrate and remember those saints known and unknown.  The day was chosen by Pope Gregory III in 731-741 when he consecrated  a chapel in the Basilica of St Peter to all the saints.  We remember the saints when we say the Creed 'I believe ... the Holy Catholic Church and Communion of Saints.

Altar server clearing awaay after Mass
Today one of our new servers helped Fr Stewart during Mass.  Here he is clearing away after Mass, learning about some of the preparation and clearing away that is part of the role of server.

"There is a lot to remember - so you really have to watch carefully"

A busy weekend ahead
Feast of All Souls
The 12.15 mass will be offered for all those who have died in the past year. 
Eternal Rest
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

First Saturday Rosary
Tomorrow we have the first Saturday Rosary at 5.15pm in the Cathedral.  To read more about the Rosary which was object 52 in the Year of Faith and how Mary shows the way.

Shoebox Appeal - Last few days for collection
Boxes can be left at Cathedral House or Cathedral School and need to be dropped off by Monday 11th November in time for collection around 15th November
Box for collection at the back of church
St Vicent de Paul Meeting 
Monday 4th November at 7.00pm in Cathedral House.  New members welcome.  To read more about the SVP and how they offer a helping hand.  If you know of someone who is need of help, let one of the members know.