Monday, 30 December 2013

6th Day of Christmas - Feast of Holy Family

6th Day of Christmas
Reminds us of the 6 days of creation. For our younger readers - Pictures and directions to make own book of creation 
For adults details of a general audience with Pope Benedict XVI discussing the Creed and the line 'made heaven and earth' and its links to Genesis and the creation of the world.
Christmas video
Today's video lasts 4.30 min, it reminds us of the wonders of creation and how God rested on the Sabbath (7th Day).  But of course there is nothing that can compete with looking at creation around us, our own hand, the sky, a tree blowing in the wind. 

Children's Liturgy Gloria in excelsis Deo - and the children jump for joy at the Good News 
Children jumping for joy as they sing Glory to God
Yesterday the children received their 5th card - a message from Joseph who told of his dream and message from the angel to go to Egypt   Below the children shared the card and talked about the Holy Family and remembered all families, especially those who are refugees and forced to leave their homes.  
Children listen carefully to the message from Joseph 

Praying for families
Response: Holy Family, hear our prayer
For all families, especially those who are in need. . . . Response:
For all the families in our parish . . . . Response:
For our own families and their needs . . . 
For all those who must leave their homes to find safety in other lands . . . Response:
For  all who care for us in our families. . . . Response: