Tuesday, 31 December 2013

7th Day of Christmas

Christmas Video
The video today is the great traditional song of praise the Te Deum which is sung to celebrate great feasts.  As we come to the end of the octave (eight days of Christmas) tomorow when we celebrate the Feast of Mary the Mother of God

7th Day of Christmas
Remind us of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit see Isaiah 11: 1-2.   Flames and a dove are symbols of the Holy Spirit - the craft today shows the dove and the flames in a mobile of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.   
We receive gifts at Baptism and they are confirmed when we receive confirmation - for adults see the effects of confirmation in the Catechism
Seven is also the number of  petitions in the Our Father, last words on the Cross, deadly sins and virtues.  
News of Confirmation 2014 Please note for young people in Year 9 or above there will be an introductory Meeting in Cathedral House for the Confirmation Programme on Sunday 26th January after 6.30pm Mass.  Poster in Porch, and further details in future newsletters and Confirmation Page