Thursday, 6 March 2014

Ash Wednesday

Lent begins.  The altar stripped of the flowers of ordinary time,  the priests vestments and the veil of the Tabernacle changed from green to purple reminding us that we are now in the season of Lent. 
Turn away from sin and
be faithful to the Gospel
Although it is not a Holy Day of Obligation many people came to Mass to receive ashes and begin their Lenten actions of prayer, fasting and abstinence.  For one of our young parishioners the day included them taking on the responsibility of being a sixer at Brownies. 
Whilst the ash cross on her forehead will not be seen after tonight's washing, her sixer badge will be a reminder of her responsibilities as a Brownie. 
As we begin Lent we might all think about what signs and symbols help us to remember the promises originally made on our behalf at Baptism and renewed by each of us at our Baptism.  Lent is a time when we might think about these promises and the Easter vigil will be a time when we can renew them again.  

At the mid-day Mass, Bishop Michael Campbell, reminded the congregation that through Lent we should remember Pope Francis' advice 'Don't be a sourpuss'  It looks as if our young parishioner has started well!
No sign of a sourpuss