Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Lent begins tomorrow

Lent begins tomorrow. What does this season mean to you?   What would you tell someone if asked to say what Lent means to you in a minute. See this 1 minute video on Lent for some ideas. or for those who need a bit longer, why not check out the 2 minutes of Lent posted on the Lancaster Cathedral Young People Facebook (26th March 2014) or featured in a post last year on Ash Wednesday. 

The Church asks us to pray, fast and give alms. 
How will you use the season for Lent to build your relationship with God and others? 

Ash Wednesday
Mass and distribution of Ashes at the Cathedral 12.15 and 7.30pm
and at St Thomas More 9.30.  

Friday Stations of the Cross at 7.00pm