Saturday, 15 March 2014

Sunday ... thinking about Praying, Fasting and Alms-Giving

Sunday looks as if it will be a busy day ... and an opportunity for us to think about our Lenten actions of praying, fasting and alms-giving.
Sacramental Preparation
This Sunday, the parents who have attended the Adult Sessions for the parish sacramental programme 'My Lord and My God' will enrol their sons and daughters on the programme.  They will ask for our prayers and support of the parish as they prepare their children for the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. Enrolment and commissioning the catechists who will help them on behalf of the parish will take place at St Thomas More's at the 9.30 mass, and the Cathedral at the 10.30 mass.
Cathedral - 10.30am  mass Cathedral Primary School and CAFOD presentation
After communion the children will share something about CAFOD's family fast and ways in which we can dig deep to help children like Mohammed and Samai from Sierra Leone. 
Last Sunday the children heard how Samai's family been able to grow food and to sell the extra food to pay for him to go to school  

St Thomas More - 9.30am  mass the children attending children's liturgy will get a letter from Peter, James and John which tells them of an amazing day they had with Jesus.  More about this letter tomorrow.

Cathedral - 3.00pm Mass in the Extraordinary form will be available.  

Cathedral - 4.00pm Stations of the Cross for those not able to attend you may wish to pray using the online stations.

Cathedral - 4.40pm Vespers (evening prayer of the Church)

Cathedral - 6.30 pm mass