Friday, 14 March 2014

Friday - Family Fast Day

Throughout the Church Friday is marked out as a day for fasting.  Customs vary according to the Bishops of the country.  For a leaflet from the Liturgy Office on Fasting
God, all-powerful Father,
may the living bread from heaven
give us the courage and strength
to go to the aid of our hungry brothers and sisters.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Roman Missal
Last Sunday news of CAFOD's Family Fast day was announced, see below further details about Mohammed, a 14 year old boy in Sierra Leone. On Sunday the children from our primary school will be telling us more about Mohammed. 

CAFOD’s mission is to end poverty and injustice in the global south. To do that it works directly with local communities and organisations to find practical and lasting solutions to hunger and poverty. Inspired by the gospels and Catholic Social teaching, it is the official agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales. This makes it our development agency. And the organisation relies on our prayers, donations and actions to end the scandal of poverty in our world, on our behalf.

Envelopes will be collected at Mass this weekend, or if you prefer to carry on collecting during Lent you can hand in your donation at Easter.

Giver of life,
From tiny seeds and parched earth
Your gentle hand grows richest fruit.
Reveal to us, Creator God, the seeds within us;
Moisten the soil that our neglect has made dry.
For alone we lack the vision of Your Kingdom.
Alone, we fail to recognise the hungry in our midst.
Alone, we lack the strength to fulfil your purpose.
With your inspiring love, Redeemer of all,
May the shoots of our potential break free
And our hands, voices and spirits toil in communion, 
So that your garden of plenty can be shared by all. Amen