Sunday 30 March 2014

Thank you Caroline

Caroline offering a behind the scenes tour of the
Pastoral Centre as part of a
Lancaster Unlocked - Heritage weekend
Today at the 10.30 Mass Fr Stewart gave a word of thanks on behalf of the parish to Dr Caroline Hull, who is moving onto a new job working for the Aid to the Church in Need. Caroline has been Lancaster Cathedral's Events Organiser playing a co-ordinating role for many of the important events in the parish including the annual events of Chrism Mass, Rite of Election, the monthly Table Top Sales to the weekly bulletins and the daily answering the phone. She has organised a programme of concerts and performances bringing many people into the Cathedral for the first time.  She has played a key role in behind the scenes organisation of national events such as the visit of the relics of St Theresa of Lisieux, diocesan events such as the ordination of Bishop Michael Campbell and parish celebrations for Lancaster Cathedral's 150th Anniversary with its  Flower Festival and performances of St Peter's Life and last
Poster for Martyrs Exhibition
years Martyrs Exhibition 'My Faith is My Crime'.   Much of Caroline's work has been behind the scenes and has involved her working with many parishioners who have responded generously to her phone call or email requests for help.  As Fr Stewart explained, she has not only been very efficient but also creative and knowledgeable drawing on her own academic and personal interests in Art History.  She will be missed, but as Fr Stewart said we all wish her well in her new job.