Thursday 3 April 2014

Actions and Reflection on Stations of the Cross

Confirmation young people met to pray the stations of the cross ... reflecting on Jesus' journey to Calvary. At each station they responded with an action designed to help them think more deeply with the journey Jesus made and that he is with us as we try to follow his example of loving God and our neighbour.  

For the 7th station they went to kneel and pray on gravel to think about how Jesus must have felt as he felt when he fell for a second time.

For the 8th station they remembered the people who have to collect their water each day.  See the LCYP Facebook 3rd April page for further details.

At the 10th station they tore a strip of paper and called out those things that are wrong in our world - the injustices of war, poverty, racism, bullying, disease, cruelty, slavery and hunger.

For the 12th station they created a stone cross which will be a reminder throughout Lent that Jesus died for each one of us.

Remember there are stations of the cross on Friday evenings at 7.00pm and Sunday afternoons at 4.00pm during Lent.