Monday 14 April 2014

Called to love and serve one another

During children's liturgy whilst the Passion from Matthew's Gospel was being read the children thought about what Jesus would have done that week.  They sang two songs linked to the Mass of the Lord's Supper that helped them to focus on:

He put on an apron and washed
the feet of his friends
Handing round the bread and grapes 

Jesus' call to each one of us to love and serve one another and the Last Supper where Jesus blessed, broke and gave the bread to his disciples saying 'Take this all of you, and eat of it: for this is my body which will be given up for you'. 
The children watched carefully as feet were washed and we talked about how Jesus gave us this as an example for what we should do.  They thought they could help someone who has fallen over, or to be friends with someone who was sad, or help people who needed help.

Pictures showing 'Jesus' washing the feet of his friends with care and gentleness