Sunday 13 April 2014

Palm Sunday Processions

Today Bishop Michael Campbell celebrated the 10.30am Mass at Lancaster Cathedral.  The parish and around 50 children and families from the Cathedral Primary School gathered outside Cathedral House for the blessing of the palms. Deacon Jim Wood  read the Gospel of Jesus' going into Jerusalem on a donkey.  After the blessing of the palms, the choir they sang and processed across the gardens where they entered in the main doors of the Cathedral.  The children in key stage 2 stayed in Mass to join in with the reading of the Passion.  
Procession into Cathedral after the blessing of the palms
The clergy all wore red vestments today a sign of the Passion.
On Good Friday they will also wear read when we listen to the Passion from John's Gospel.
Meanwhile the children from key stage 1 came into children's liturgy where they had their own procession singing Hosanna for the king.  After that they went through the events of Holy Week but more of that later in the week.  
Children waving their palms and singing Hosanna to their King
Bishop Michael Campbell at the end of 10.30am Mass