Thursday 17 April 2014

Getting Ready for the Chrism Mass

Over the past few weeks and more particularly the past few days there have been people preparing for the Chrism Mass - this is the mass when the priests of the diocese gather together and renew their vows.  

The oils that will be used for baptism, anointing of the sick, confirmation and ordination are all blessed by the Bishop and then distributed to the priests to take back and use in their parish. 
The oil from last year has been removed and burned and the jugs polished and ready for the new oil. For the moment they are waiting ready on a window ledge in Cathedral House.
These will be carried by deacons into the Chrism Mass and presented to the Bishop during the service.  

Below some of the vestments that will be worn during the Mass are laid out on the dining table in the Cathedral library.  The vestments were made in Poland at great speed for Bishop Michael's ordination.  To read more about them see Ordination the vestments 
vestments laid out for the Chrism Mass
The Mass starts at 11.30 today and there will no doubt be people who have already started their journey and people are already making the final touches for their arrival. .