Thursday 17 April 2014

Chrism Mass

Following all that preparation the Chrism Mass provided an opportunity for all around the Diocese to gather.  For a copy of the Bishop's homily in which he spoke especially to his brother priests reminding them of their own ordination and closed by urging the people  'to support your priests wholeheartedly in all that they do for you in Christ’s name'.  He also explained how during the Mass he would consecrate the oils that would be used in the sacraments thoughout the coming year.  More of this in a future post. 

Welcome from the Knights of St Columba - who came from
Lancaster, Morecambe, Preston, Lytham St Annes, Kirkham
Meanwhile the Cathedral hospitality team were continuing to prepare and provide refreshments for those who had travelled a distance.  This year soup was on the menu as well as a welcome cup of tea.
A warm welcome and a cup of tea
Behind the scenes getting everything ready
And then the chance for clergy to mix and mingle and catch up with news, before getting ready to process to the Cathedral on what turned out to be a dry but rather windy day.

Fr Kevin and Fr Broster leading the procession that stretched across the cathedral gardens
And then into the Cathedral for the Chrism Mass itself.
Bishop Michael Campbell entrance procession 
And finally, the three deacons who brought in the oils which were blessed for use during the coming year, more of these in a future post. 
Deacons carrying from left to right the
Oils of Chrism, Catechumens and oil of the sick
We now move to the Triduum a service which starts tonight at the Mass of the Lord's Supper and does not end until the dismissal at the Easter Vigil.