Thursday 17 April 2014

Mass of the Lord's Supper

Bishop Michael Campbell washing feet - following Jesus example
Tonight began the Triduum. Today is known as Maundy Thursday which comes from the Latin mandatum  which means command, it is Jesus' a new commandment to love one another that he gave to the disciples and gives to us (John 13.34).We celebrated the Mass of the Lord's Supper which inc luded the reading of John's Gospel story of the Last Supper which recalls how Jesus washed the feet of the disciples - giving us an example of how we should love and serve one another. 
After the Gospel reading and homily, the Bishop took off his outer vestments and wrapped an apron around himself and then with the help of Deacon Jim and the servers he washed the feet of some of the confirmation group and parishioners from the Cathedral and St Thomas More.  
Some of the confirmation group waiting in the sacristy
to follow the procession of the Blessed Sacrament

The Mass of the Lord's Supper reminds us of how Jesus used the Passover meal he was sharing with his friends to them and us that great gift - Himself, which we receive in Holy Communion. 
After communion the altar is cleared.  Mass does not end with the usual dismissal, instead the Blessed Sacrament was taken in solemn procession to the Lady Chapel where there was a period of watching until midnight. The confirmandi were given the chance to join in the procession following the Bishop who carried the Blessed Sacrament underneath a canopy.  Afterwards everyone left in silence or stayed to watch and pray - like the disciples were asked to do in the Garden of Gethsemane.
 to Lady Chapel
The Cathedral quiet, still and in
low light during the watching