Thursday 22 May 2014

Preparing for Confirmation at St Thomas More's

Confirmandi and Catechists at St Thomas More
On Sunday some of our own confirmandi attended the 9.30 Sunday mass at St Thomas More's as part of the parish programme of preparation for confirmation St Peter's Way. This gave us an opportunity to talk about ways in which the church building can influence how we experience the Mass.  Someone who hadn't been to St Thomas More talked about how they felt closer to the altar and what was happening during the Eucharistic prayer.  We also talked about different parts of the Mass and learned more about what happens in the Liturgy of the Word and Liturgy of the Eucharist.
Confirmandi creating Perfect Peter 
 We were blessed with lovely weather and were able to enjoy the beautiful gardens for lunch, a blindfold trust walk and some time for individual prayer and reflection.  The day included an opportunity for us to explore the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit and talk about the which of the qualities on our pictures of Perfect Peter and Patricia were really important and which might be things society views as important but which are not part of God's vision for us.