Saturday 17 May 2014

Visiting Cathedral to learn about Confirmation

Today young people  from St Joseph's Lancaster and Our Lady of Lourdes Carnforth came to visit the Cathedral with their parish priests Fr Jim Burns and Canon John Gibson.  
Front of Hynning Hall
The young people from Our Lady of Lourdes had spent the morning at Hynning as part of a retreat day, they had the opportunity to hear more about the oil of chrism that will be used when they are anointed.  
St Joseph's Confirmandi, Deacon Stephen and
Cathedral Catechist Joanne Parker showing them the confessional
The young people from St Joseph's came with their parents who also had the chance to look round the Cathedral.  Here you can see them with Fr Jim having a look at the Baptistry, a reminder of the first sacrament of initiation. 
Looking at the Baptistery
About 50 young people from parishes throughout the Lancaster deanery will be confirmed during the 6.30pm Mass on Pentecost Sunday.  Please keep them in your prayers over the coming weeks.