Tuesday 9 December 2014

Advent - Peace

Second Sunday of Advent. Two of the great figures of faith put before us in Advent are the Old Testament prophet Isaiah and the last of the Old Testament prophets John the Baptist. In Mass today John the Baptist is understood as fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah, six hundred years after the prophecy was given.
The message of Isaiah to the people of Israel, and the life and example of John the Baptist resonate with the advent message “Prepare the way of The Lord”. For you and I this Advent, as we think of the two “comings” of The Lord, the one in flesh which we celebrate in the Christmas season, and the future one in Glory which we are especially focused on now, preparing a way for The Lord in our lives can take a supreme effort...but how worthwhile is that effort. Prayer helps that effort and the Sacraments help us to prepare the way, especially the Sacrament of Reconciliation. 

Prayer opportunities this Advent
Adoration and opportunity for Confession - Tuesdays 6.00 to 7.00pm (NB 5.30 to 6.30pm this week Tuesday 9th December)
Vespers - Sunday 4.30pm