Sunday, 5 April 2015

Happy Easter and Thank you

Celebrate and Live the Paschal Mystery… Or Happy Easter (in Old English)
Jesus Christ is risen. He is risen indeed!
May the light of the Risen Christ shine in our hearts and in our lives. His grace is irresistible and His promises are sure. Let us be a community of sinners who hope in the life of resurrection. The world and the media might not understand this. But Jesus does...and that’s the true measure. Now we have a season of six weeks to reflect on the Easter story... and a life time in which to live it.

Happy Easter to all our people. ……. Fr Steve, Fr Andrew, Deacon Jim.

Thank you to everyone who has assisted in, whatever way, the smooth running and excellence of our Holy Week Liturgies. 
Organist and Choirs, MC and Altar Servers, Sacristans, Readers, Eucharistic ministers, hospitality providers, welcomers, catechists, printers of liturgy booklets, collectors, collection counters, people who take money to the bank...forgive me if I’ve missed you out . To everyone who assisted in whatever way... Thank you. I am truly grateful for your help. Fr Steve