Thursday, 6 December 2018

Advent 2: Family Preparation

Family Advent Preparation

Each week on Thursday we'll offer colouring and activities linked to the Gospel reading as a follow up and a link to Wednesday Word which gives you the reading for the next Sunday 9th December.

There will also be stickers and bible verses to look up during the week to help create your own Jesse Tree (see below).

Advent Sunday 2
CAFOD Colouring linked to Luke 3: 1-6
A word search for Advent 2 - answers next week.

Dear Father, 
help us to remember we are part of God’s family. We are here to help one another.
Help us as we journey through advent to
prepare a way for the Lord.
Let there be peace shared amongst us.

Jesse Tree
On Sunday we'll be looking at the next set of characters on the Jesse Tree.  There are still a few books with stickers and pictures for families to create their own Jesse tree.