Tuesday, 4 December 2018

Family Advent Preparations

We all need to prepare ... so if you are looking for ideas then see below.  
We welcome examples of how you and your families are spending this time of preparation - family traditions, photos of your advent wreath or getting things ready for Christmas.  Please hand in information to one of the priests, or one of the children's liturgists or email pictures or short messages to Ann-Marie (email on parish newsletter) or send detail using the contact us sheet

For families of younger children
Each week during Advent we'll post a colouring and some ideas for things to do during Advent. 

For teenagers and adults
Please see a daily reflection on our Lancaster Young People Facebook page.  These short reflections ask questions and prompt us to consider how we are preparing this advent.

For those interested in art
Each Sunday we'll be posting Art and Faith reflections linked to the Gospel reading and a related piece of art work.

For those interested in prayer
Why not take the time to come to one of the regular prayer times in the parish.
First Saturday Praying the Rosary at 5.15pm on Saturday 1st December in the Cathedral

Sunday Vespers (evening prayer) starting at 4.50pm on Sunday afternoon.  This is the prayer of the church and we are blessed at the Cathedral to have members of the choir to cantor (sing) and lead us in this prayer

Monday Meditation on 1st and 3rd Monday of each month.
During Advent Monday 3rd December and Monday 10th December starting at 7.00pm and finished by 8.00pm at 25 Barnacre Close, Hala LA1 4JZ 

Advent reflection at St Thomas Mores
A time of prayer and reflection Thursday 13th December at 7.30pm till 9.00pm.  Refreshments will be served.