Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Company of St Ursula

Vision of Brudazzo
The Company of St Ursula was founded by St Angela Merici in Brescia, North Italy on 25th November 1535.  

It grew out of a spiritual experience known as the “Vision of Brudazzo”, in which Angela saw a ladder reaching from earth to heaven on which women and angels ascended and descended.

Angela came to understand that she was to live and guide others to live, at a radical level, the union, symbolised in this vision, between the divine and human. This is  a way of life for women who wish to consecrate themselves totally to God by living the Evangelical Councils of perpetual celibacy, poverty and obedience in the world.

Since its foundation the Company has spread round the world. Today secular Ursulines are organised in many diocesan Companies. Most of these are united in a federation which was recognised as one Secular Institute of Pontifical Right on May 25th 1958. The map below shows the Company of St Ursula spread throughout the world. The Company at Lancaster was the first established in England.

Map of Companies of St Ursula
Although Yvonne only made her final vows on Sunday, she has been an active member during her formation, below she was attending an event at Castlerigg promoting all vocations.  We are all called to play our part in the Body of Christ.
Sharing information about the Company of St Ursula (September 2013)