Monday, 28 January 2019

The Company of St Ursula - A new member

Company of St Ursula - founded in 1535
and still offering a vocation for women
With the foundation of the COMPANY of SAINT URSULA, in Brescia, northern Italy, in 1535, Saint Angela Merici offered to young women of her day an alternative to enclosed religious life. It was a most daring initiative for the time. The members of the Company were consecrated as spouses of the Son of God, but without vows and living in their own homes and continuing their work. The form of government of the Company was lay and feminine, making known to society Angela’s confidence in a woman’s ability to discern, to judge for herself, to govern herself.
As a sister organisation to the Ursuline Order, the Company of St Ursula continue St Angela’s vision of consecrated life for Lay people.
Yvonne and Stephen arriving for celebration.

There are already two women in our parish who are living their final vows. On Sunday, the feast of St Angela Merici, Yvonne Talbutt, Deacon Stephen Talbutt’s mum, made her final vows within the life of the Company in Lancaster.

We pray that her life will be fruitful in prayer and in service following the example of St Angela Merici herself. 
Fr Steve.

Over the coming days we will be sharing more about Yvonne's consecration and her vocation.  As we celebrate someone's calling, we are encouraged to think about how we are called.