Friday 12 November 2021

CCP: Season of Creation and COP26

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Cathedral Catholic Primary
Season of Creation and COP26

Last half term, we celebrated the Season of Creation in school by reflecting on the beauty of our world and how we can look after and protect it. 

The children learnt about ‘Laudato Si’, the second encyclical (letter) of Pope Francis, and suggested practical ways we can look after our common home. Following this, children in Years 4 and 5 wrote letters to Boris Johnson to urge him to use COP26 to work with world leaders to take positive actions to tackle the climate crisis. We now hope and pray that COP26 is successful in initiating action to protect our planet and particularly the lives of the poorest and most vulnerable communities. CD

Why not watch the video from CAFOD which is an animation of Pope Francis' Laudato Si'