Wednesday 28 February 2024

CAFOD and Missio Lenten Calendars

 CAFOD and Missio Lenten Calendar

Although we are two weeks into Lent we thought we'd start to share some online Lenten Calendars which offer ideas for things we can reflect on during Lent, people or things to pray for, or ideas for how we can take action. Today we share the CAFOD calendar.

CAFOD have a daily interactive calendar which has a message for each day. The message for tomorrow, is a reminder about Food Poverty.  May be we can reflect on whether there are things we could donate to a local Food Bank, or maybe we need to make use of the food bank at the moment. 

CAFOD Volunteer talking
Volunteer Roxinne gives a short talk for CAFOD
in a parish in the Diocese of Northampton.

This is a familiar story. Jesus told his parables to help people recognise themselves and their actions, and reflect how they could live differently. We might identify with Lazarus – feeling excluded, longing for someone to recognise our humanity as we struggle to get by. Or do we perhaps see something of ourselves in the rich man – the person who, because they have enough, can close their eyes to the problems at their own front door? Or again, we might be like the rich man’s brothers, who ignore the messages from the prophets, and won’t listen even should someone rise from the dead to tell them to change their ways. Whichever it is, there is a lesson here for us all. Extract from CAFOD Interactive Lent Calendar 29.2.24

At the start of Lent we gave out copies of the Missio Lenten Calendar and share a link here.  Today's activity is: