Sunday 25 February 2024

Gospel Reflection: What a day, what a memory and what a promise

Gospel Reflection : 2nd Sunday in Lent

This week we hear Mark's account of the Transfiguration, when Peter, James and John went with Jesus up the mountain and there saw Jesus in all his glory. We hear how Jesus' clothes became dazzling white and he was joined by Elijah and Moses representing the Prophets and the Law. As if this wasn't enough they were surrounded by a cloud and God the Father spoke the familiar words "This is my beloved Son. Listen to him". This certainly was a day they would never forget.


Mosaic at the Church of the Transfiguration 

In the previous chapter Peter had declared Jesus the Messiah, Jesus had told Peter and the disciples how he was going to suffer and die on a cross and then rise again 3 days later. We can imagine they were frightened and confused. And now whilst out walking with Jesus this amazing thing happened, they see Jesus in all his glory, they caught a glimpse of the Son of God and were filled with awe and wonder. In many ways it was a source of encouragement, a memory they could treasure that would help them in the challenging days ahead.

We all probably have memories of things that we treasure that help us through the dark days, experiences that encourage us to carry on. The story of the Transfiguration is a sign of encouragement for us too, because we know what happens after this amazing day. Yes, Jesus will be crucified, but that is not the end he will fulfil that promise and rise again in glory. AMH