Wednesday 7 February 2024

Cathedral Primary School: Poetry performances

Poetry Performance 

Cathedral Primary School Logo
On Tuesday, parents and carers were invited into school to watch the children in every class perform a poem. These ranged from ‘Mary had a little lamb’ to ‘The elephant sleepover’ and ‘Mummification’. The children worked so hard to learn their class poems and it was wonderful to see them perform them with enthusiasm and confidence.

The class blogs have details of the poems each pupil focused on.  Year 4 focused on some seasonal winter imagery poems.  For further details see Winter imagery poems

Winter scene

Canticle of Daniel

This is a song of praise where we remember all the things we might praise the Lord for including cold and chill, wind and rain. There are lots of versions of this Canticle, the video below is one some of our families may want to use with their families.  And perhaps combine with a winter poem and a prayer for all those facing hardship because of the cold weather we are having.