Thursday 8 February 2024

Gospel Share 6th Sunday Ordinary Time

GOSPEL SHARE: JESUS HEALS a man with Leprosy

Jesus heals leper
Jesus heals a leper

6th Sunday Ordinary Time

First Reading - Leviticus 13:1-2,44-46 The Law regarding leprosy is given to Moses and Aaron.

Responsorial Psalm 32:1-2,5,11 A prayer of contrition and confession for sin.

Second Reading - 1 Corinthians 10:31—11:1 Paul urges the Corinthians to imitate him as he imitates Christ.

Gospel Reading - Mark 1:40-45 Jesus cures a person with leprosy, who reports his cure to everyone.

Something for Lent Gospel Share

For parishioners who have been enjoying Bible Alive, readers and / or those simply looking for something to support their Lenten Journey the weekly Gospel Share is one opportunity you may want to explore.  Each week we read through the Gospel to help prepare for the upcoming Sunday readings.

What happens?

We listen to the old and new testament, have a musical psalm and then listen the Gospel three times using Lectio Divina which is a way of prayer and reflecting with scripture. 

  • The first time we listen, then we have time to read the Gospel for ourselves, 
  • Then we listen as the Gospel is read a second time, then we are invited to call out a word or phrase that strikes us, you can simply listen to what others call out, or join in repeating what someone else has said, or call out other words that strike you.
  • We then hear the reading for a third time and after that people share their reflections, ask questions to help them make sense of the reading, sometimes share what they've heard in a homily or read. There is no right or wrong answer and no one is made to say anything, so you can simply listen.
  • After this we sometimes look at art linked to the reading, sometimes we have a short video talk about the reading, or a video clip to help us experience the reading in another way.
  • Lastly, we have a closing piece of music or hymn linked to our Gospel Share and say the Glory Be.

When do we meet? How often do I have to come?

You can come once, every week, during Lent, when it suits you.  You can bring a friend, or come alone.  If you'd like to come email for further information. All are welcome.