Thursday 1 February 2024

Gospel Share: 5th Sunday Ordinary Time

Gospel Share: Jesus heals the sick and finds a quiet place to pray

To help prepare for the upcoming Sunday readings and to reflect what we will be covering in our Gospel Share group on Thursday evening, we are going to post things for the next Sunday. 

5th Sunday Ordinary Time

First Reading - Job 7:1-4,6-7

  • Job laments his sufferings and his life.
Jesus heals Simon's mother in law

Responsorial Psalm Psalm 147:1-6

  • A song of praise for the Lord’s goodness to the lowly.

Second Reading - 1 Corinthians 9:16-19,22-23

  • Paul explains the conditions under which he preaches the gospel and the reasons why he will not accept financial help from the Corinthians.

Gospel Reading - Mark 1:29-39

  • Jesus cures Simon’s mother-in-law and many others as well and then Jesus goes to find a quiet place to pray.
  • The video below shows Jesus laying his hands on people as he healed them.