Friday 30 November 2012

Friday Photos of Faith: St Andrew

To celebrate the feast of St Andrew, today our photos have a connection with Andrew.  Links are made with St Peter his brother, Advent the season we are preparing for.  
Happy feast day to all Andrews and those from Scotland.
Statue of St Andrew in St Peter's Basillica
St Andrew, sometimes known as the first called, introduced his brother Simon Peter to Jesus.  Like Peter, he was a fisherman and responded to Jesus' call to 'Follow me' and became a 'fisher of men'.  He is also the patron saint of Scotland.  You can see his cross was diagonal, and this gives the shape of the Scottish flag.  For further information about St Andrew click here.    

Taking time out to spend with God
As we approach Advent we might learn much from the life of a hermit.  In the Code of Canon Law 603 $2, hermits are recognised:
 "as one dedicated to God in consecrated life ..." 
Whilst most of us are not called to be hermits there is lots to be gained from taking time out to listen to God.  Front cover from parishioner, Andrew Jotischky's book, click here for more information about Andrew's work.

Thursday 29 November 2012

Getting ready to get ready

What might appear in the days to come?
On Sunday we begin the new church year.  Year C (more about this in Advent) will begin with the season of Advent, which is a time of preparation and waiting for the coming of the Lord.  Children and many adults will count down the days towards Christmas using an Advent calendar. The children at children's liturgy will receive one which will include ideas for how to prepare, not only for Christmas, but for that time when the Lord will come again.  
Carole Hoare, children's liturgist has been busy preparing our Advent Wreath
Another custom is to have an Advent wreath with candles for each of the four Sundays.  We would like to be able to include photographs of families opening their Advent calendar or hear about how they use their Advent wreath.  Please get in touch if you would be willing to share with us your time of preparation, contact page.

Monday 26 November 2012

Sacristan: Peter Jones

There are many individuals who respond in quiet and unassuming ways to Jesus' commandment to love God and to love and serve others.  Peter Jones who has been sacristan for the Cathedral in recent years was one such individual.  Peter died on Monday 19th November 2012. His funeral service is on Thursday at the 12.15 mass. As it wasn't possible to include this information in the bulletin please pass on these details.
Below we see Peter in the sacristy preparing before mass on the Feast of Pentecost, when Bishop Michael Campbell was visiting to confirm young people in the parish.  
Peter Jones: Sacristan at Lancaster Cathedral
Peter will no doubt be remembered for many things, and by many individuals - not least the altar servers, who will have seen him as a familiar face in the sacristy and the children's liturgy team who will miss him popping his head round the door to say with a smile "they're saying the Creed", which was a signal that they needed to finish their liturgy.  

Peter's example of service is one many of us have benefited from - we remember him and his family in our prayers at this time.
Eternal Rest, grant to him O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him, may he rest in peace Amen

Sunday 25 November 2012

A double celebration

Today is feast of Christ the King and the final Sunday in the church year and foundation of the Company of St Ursula.
Lancaster Cathedral: English Martyrs window
Christ, King of Martyrs,
crowned with thorns but still reigning in glory
 St Peter's Keys visit Christ the King

St Peter's Keys visiting the Cathedral of Christ the King in Superior, Wisconsin, USA. In the background you can see the image of Christ the King.

Brigit Huddleston a young person in our parish is currently spending the year working for net ministries - sharing her faith with young people. Click here for details of her ministry covered in an earlier post. 

For a colouring page for Christ the King click here 

Foundation of the Company of St Ursula
Today also marks the foundation of the Company of St Ursula which was founded on 25th November 1535 by St Angela Merici in Brescia, North Italy (more recently famous as the home town of Pope Paul VI). The Company was founded to enable women to live consecrated lives in their own homes and keep their occupations. At a time when women were expected to choose between a husband or a cloistered life, it was a daring move!  
We are fortunate to have a Company established in our parish, supported by the Ursuline sisters at St Thomas More.  Please keep members of the Company in your prayers and those women discerning if this is the right path for them.

Crypt of St Afra, Bescia:
picture of the company in the background
For more information about the Company of St Ursula, see Sr Zela's blog and today's entry

Friday 23 November 2012

Friday Photos of Faith: a house of prayer

Prayer - where do you pray?  Today's gospel inspires our Friday Photos of Faith this week.  
Luke 19: 45-48 Jesus clears the temple from today's Gospel
'My house will be a house of prayer ...'

The Cathedral is open each day and is an obvious house of prayer, but another house which where we can pray is our own home.When asked during children's liturgy, where they like to pray, there are often several children who say their favourite place is their bedroom.  
Lancaster Cathedral 1994 before the re-ordering 
For those readers able to visit the Cathedral - what differences do you notice?

Wednesday 21 November 2012

WWW - sharing faith with young people

Sheila Green: Catechist for the Year 6 pupils
on pilgrimage to Lancaster Cathedral
You may have noticed in the bulletin news of the team of catechists who are welcoming year 6 pupils from around the diocese who are visiting the cathedral as a place of pilgrimage during this year of faith.  Today's Wednesday Words of Witness is from Sheila Green who explains how the opportunity to share faith with young people is not only a one way process.  Our journey of faith is one in which we are learning from each other.

Helping with the year of faith school visits is a rewarding, enjoyable and fulfilling experience. Following training in the summer, I have been working as part of a team of catechists involved in welcoming year 6 groups from around the Diocese.  I am constantly surprised at how much I am learning during the process of teaching them.  For the most part the young people have been pleasant, curious and incredibly interested in discovering more about their Cathedral - the mother church of the diocese.
Jesus said:
Let the little children come to me ...
Mark 10:14
Whenever possible, when questions are asked, to which I don't have a ready answer I will search out the relevant information, which increases, not only the children's knowledge but mine too!  I have been struck by how much I have taken for granted; aspects and features of our beautiful Cathedral which I have passed by for years and never really seen.  I have failed to appreciate the significance of so much.  In my explanation to others, I find myself looking in fascination and with fresh eyes at so many things; the Te Deum window, the incredible carvings and the many lovely and meaningful stained glass windows (see right). 
I feel privileged to be a part of this Year of Faith project and hope that all the young people will benefit greatly from their experiences in our Cathedral. 
Children welcomed by Jesus
The window on the right, is one of two windows found just outside the Baptistery. This one shows Jesus inviting and welcoming the children, with the font and sign of the Holy Spirit below reminders of the saving grace we receive in the sacrament of Baptism.  The quote in Latin is from Mark's gospel Chapter 10 verse 14.  

Sunday 18 November 2012

Apostles Creed: I believe

Sr Jane and Sr Maureen
and focal area with signs of creation
Last Monday the spirituality session for November's Drop in Day of Prayer focused on the words from the Apostles' Creed:
I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth ...
Following a short time for silent prayer, Sr Maureen invited us to think about our image of God, and then moved on to talk about what it means to believe, who God the Father is, as creator of heaven and earth.  There was a chance for others to ask questions and to share what they knew.  
After this a time for more informal discussion over a cup of tea.  The group then gathered together and the evening closed with a musical reflection on the words I believe ... 

CCC 167 "I believe" (Apostles' Creed) is the faith of the Church professed personally by each believer, principally during Baptism. "We believe" (Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed) is the faith of the Church confessed by the bishops assembled in council or more generally by the liturgical assembly of believers. "I believe" is also the Church, our mother, responding to God by faith as she teaches us to say both "I believe" and "We believe".

Detail showing objects of creation: water, light,
ruits of the earth and creatures of the sea
Next session Monday 10th December for further details on the Spirituality Sessions: The Apostles' Creed 

Ursuline Chapter Meeting
Week beginning 18th November the Ursuline sisters will be having the Chapter meeting for the English province ... please keep them in your prayers.  

Saturday 17 November 2012

Parish visitation

Fr Stewart Keeley, Bishop Michael Campbell and
Canon Stephen Shield Cathedral Dean
Last weekend Bishop Michael Campbell visited the Cathedral and went to celebrate Mass at St Thomas More's.  As Canon Stephen explained in this week's Curious about the Council of Trent talk - the visitation of a Bishop to parish churches was re-introduced to help the Bishop to fulfil his duty of making sure the people are taught what the Church believes and have the opportunity to receive the sacraments. For those who missed the Curious talk and want to know more about the canonical visits click here
Preaching at the 9.15 Mass at St Thomas More
A quick dash back to the Cathedral to talk to parishioners after 10.30 Mass

Bishop Michael Campbell on visitation
to his Cathedral and Parish
Although the Bishop is officially the parish priest of the Cathedral and has the Canon as Dean to help him in the life of the Cathedral parish, he used his visit to come to speak at the end of each Mass.  He gave thanks to Canon Stephen and Fr Stewart for all their hard work, and thanked all parishioners who give witness to their faith by coming to Mass and living out their Baptismal promises in their daily lives.  
He explained how his role as Bishop meant he was a link with the Universal Church and the first apostles.  

Bishop Michael Campbell
sitting in current Cathedra
He talked about his chair - the Cathedra - which only he as Bishop of the Diocese sits in and is a sign of authority. Above you can see the old Cathedra in the background, and right there is an image of the Bishop from another visit sitting in the current Cathedra.   

To learn more about the Bishop's visits to other parishes and find out what the Bishop does each week see his weekly blog.

Friday 16 November 2012

Friday Photos of Faith: Chapter

Today's Friday Photos of Faith are prompted by the Chapter Mass which was held today to pray for the deceased bishops, priests and religious of the diocese.  The link is chapter.

Chapter in the church
Chapter 1996 
Chapter 2009
Although not strictly Friday photos, if you click the images you will find further details about what a chapter in the church is, and more about these particular images in the Cathedral's 150th Anniversary Billington's blog.  And to learn more about the first chapter of the Lancaster Diocese which was formed in 1925 click here.

Chapter and verse

The object of faith this week is the Our Father, in today's entry we look at how to find chapters and verses in the bible.  For details of where the Our Father appears in the bible and activity for adults and children click here 

Chapter in books
Sadly no image, but do remember that we've got a library of books to help deepen our faith that can be borrowed.  Open after 10.30 mass.  

Sunday 11 November 2012

Keeping in touch

New section: events in the coming week
To help keep in touch we've added a new section to the blog - which will list some of the events in the coming week. For further details see parish newsletter and individual posts on this blog.

Interested in receiving a daily alert
Want to have an alert when a new post is added to the blog then you can add your email see right column and when new information appears on the site you'll get an email - this is both a helpful reminder and allows you to see quickly if its something you want to read.

For a quick link to some of the recent objects use the links below. 
Week beginning
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Documents of Vatican II  
Communion of saints


Friday 9 November 2012

Friday Photos of Faith: Remembrance

Remembering the Dead
Book of the Dead
Poppies a sign of rememberance

Last Friday parishioners gathered to remember family and friends who had died in the past year.  On Sunday we will remember the  dead of the world wars.  
Remembering a parish pilgrimage
A trip down memory lane and a chance to remember the Parish pilgrimage to Rome and their visit to the Lateran Basillica 
Please let us know if you have some Friday Photos of Faith using our contact sheet.

Don't forget
Curious about talks on the altarpiece and English Cathedrals 
Saturday 10th November starting at 2.00 in St Walberge's Chapel, Balmoral Rd. Lancaster for further details 

The Apostles Creed
Monday 11th November 2012:
I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth

For further details click here

Thursday 8 November 2012

Dedication of the Lateran Basillica

Friday 9th November
Tomorrow we celebrate the Dedication of the Lateran Basillica.  An inscription at the entrance of the Basilica tells us that it is the Sacred Lateran Church, "the mother and head of all the churches of the city and the world"
Lateran Basillica, Rome: Note the statues of the Apostles on the roof
Curious about ...
Earlier this week in the Curious about series ... Canon Stephen Shield talked about the Medieval Counsels which included four Lateran Counsels.  Like other counsels, the Lateran Counsel responded to the needs of the Church at that time and helped to guide the people by making clear statements about what the Church believed.  
CCC 253  The Trinity is One. We do not confess three Gods, but one God in three persons, the "consubstantial Trinity". The divine persons do not share the one divinity among themselves but each of them is God whole and entire: "The Father is that which the Son is, the Son that which the Father is, the Father and the Son that which the Holy Spirit is, i.e. by nature one God." In the words of the Fourth Lateran Council (1215), "Each of the persons is that supreme reality, viz., the divine substance, essence or nature."
For dates and full programme of the Curious about ... what happened before Vatican II click here  

If you aren't able to attend the talk tomorrow then why not follow the links and go on a virtual tour of  Westminster Cathedral

In the inscription at the Lateran Basillica you can see the Keys of St Peter, when you next visit the Cathedral, see how many keys you can find.

The Apostles Creed
Monday 11th November 2012:
I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth

For further details click here

Monday 5 November 2012

Apostles Creed Spirituality Sessions

Spirituality Sessions for the Year of Faith 2012-3
This month the spirituality sessions begin to look at the Apostles Creed - a chance to learn more about a prayer of what we believe.

The Apostles Creed
Monday 11th November 2012:
I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth

Drop in for prayer day
2nd Monday of the Month drop in for prayer day:  Mass at 9.15 am, Meditation at 12.00 noon, opportunity for quiet reflection in the Peace Garden and Church.  Spirituality Session 7.30 to 9.00 pm The day will close with night prayer.

All talks will take place on Monday evenings
7.30 to 9.00pm at St Thomas More’s,
St Thomas More Walk, off Willow Lane, Lancaster, LA1 5PT

There are lots of videos of the Apostles Creed, the version this month shows images to illustrate the different lines of this prayer.  If you want to suggest one you think others would find helpful, please use our contact sheet to let us know. 

Friday 2 November 2012

Friday Photos of Faith: Half Term

Friday Photos of faith link with our object of faith the Bible, the weather and the feast of All Souls. Today is Feast of All Souls where we remember those who have died, especially those in the last year, see end for Eternal Rest, and All Souls wordsearch.  

STOP PRESS: Reminder for the Curious about Vatican Council talks.  Tomorrow at St Walburghe's Chapel, Balmoral Rd.  For details of future talks click here 

Can you work out which picture shows the
Gospel writers: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John?
Hailstones: Friday 2nd November 2012
For all those caught in the wind, rain and hail
Book of the Dead:
where the names of those who have died are recorded
Eternal Rest
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

All Souls Word Search click here 

Please let us know if you have some Friday Photos of Faith using our contact sheet.

Thursday 1 November 2012

All Saints - prayer, retreats and stories

Te Deum Window: Lancaster Cathedral
Why not visit today and see how many saints you can spot?
All Saints - 1st November
When we are baptised or confirmed we take the name of a saint.  As we celebrate All Saints day, remember to pray to your saint and why not find out more about them.
Or use today to find out about other saints.  Below are three retreats prepared by Loyola press for children to share the stories of three saints.  Each has some music accompaniment and a series of 6 short reflections which tell us something of the life of the saint and offers questions for us to think about how we can follow in the footsteps of that saint.

St Frances Xavier Cabrini - Feast day 13th November
Born in Italy, she trained as a teacher, became a religious sister and eventually founded her own order.  In the 1880s she went to America to help the many Italian people who had moved there to live and work.  She wanted to help them as they often ended up living in poor conditions.  With the help of religious sisters, she helped to set up schools, orphanages and hospitals and by the time she died there were nearly 1,000 sisters helping the poor.
on-line retreat click here  and short story of her life click here

St Andrew - Feast Day 30th November
Andrew was St Peter's younger brother, it was Andrew who first met Jesus who said 'Follow me'.  When Jesus died like the other apostles he became a missionary and spent his time telling people about Jesus and his commandment to love God and to love our neighbour as ourself. Did you know the name "Andrew" is a Greek name meaning "courageous" or "manly"?  He was very brave and tradition says he was crucified on a cross shaped like an X.  St Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland and this is the shape of the Scottish flag. 
At children's liturgy we also try to follow in St Andrew's example and Follow Jesus - see Children's Liturgy page for further details.
on-line retreat click here and a short story of his life click here

St Kateri Tekakwitha - 14th July
One of the newest saints, only canonised on the 21st October 2012.  She is the first native American saint and is the patron saint of the environment and ecology.  She attended daily mass and was known as the "Lily of the Mohawks".  She died on April 17, 1680 at the age of twenty-four - her final words were reported as Jesus - Mary - I love you. 
On-line retreat click here and details of the saints life more suitable for adults click here

Litany of Saints 
Why not use the litany of saints as part of your prayer time today, below a 4 minutes video, or click here for a Latin Litaniae Sanctorum (Litany of Saints) lasting 8 minutes

All Souls
Tomorrow we celebrate All Souls day when we remember those who have died. Mass times at the Cathedral at 12.15pm and at 7.30pm where we will pray for those members of the parish and family members who have died in the past year.