Sunday, 30 September 2012

Fr B - Xaverian Missionaries

Fr B - Xaverian Missionary in sacristy before Mass
On the weekend of the 22nd Sunday of the year (2nd and 3rd September), a Xaverian MissionaryFr Bideri Nyagasza (originally from the Congo) visited and spoke at all masses.  Fr B, as he asked to be called, is based in Preston, which is one of five Xaverian Mission communities in the UK. In Preston they have been asked to help with the Diocesan Youth Justice and Peace group.  
The Xaverian Missionaries also have projects throughout the world, see map below.

Patron of Missionaries
St Therese, window
St Annes on Sea, Lytham
During his sermon Fr B reminded us that St. Therese of Lisuex is patron of the missionaries.  He said, that although St Therese did not travel to Africa, she offered her prayers for those doing missionary work throughout the world.  We to, do not need to travel to be a missionary, but can share God's love with the people we meet in Lancaster in our daily lives.  Today is three years since the relics of St Therese visited Lancaster, click here as a reminder of that special time in the life of the parish.  Monday 1st October is the Feast of St Therese of Lisieux.

Xaverian Missionaries
For those wanting to find out more about the Xaverian Missionaries throughout the world, or the saints and martyrs linked to the Xaverian Missionaries click here.

Map of Xaverian Missions throughout the world
Home Mission Sunday
See entry on Sunday 16th September 

Thanks from Fr B for the prayers and donations made during his visit the total collected was £858.04. Thank you!