Sunday, 9 March 2014

Lent 1 - A message from Samai

Today the children in children's liturgy got their first card of Lent with a message from a little boy called Samai who lives in Sierra Leone.  Samai shared news of how CAFOD the official Catholic Aid For Overseas Development are helping his family to dig deep and grow food to feed themselves and raise some money to pay for him to go to school.  

The children also talked about what they are doing to make Lent a special time of preparation and learned a new sorry song and Gospel Acclamation.  They talked about what Jesus did when he was tempted in the desert. Each child was given a Lent Calendar from Missio which is another Catholic charity where children help children, for more information about Missio.  Finally, we closed with our prayer for the week.  

Christ Jesus, help us to follow your example, to try to do what we know is right and to do all that we can so that everyone may have enough to eat. Amen.
As a follow up during the week children may want to watch this short video of how Jesus was tempted in the desert.